24 abr 2012

"Nulli te facias nimis sodalem, gaudebis minus et minus dolebis".

[Do not become too friend to anybody; thus you will rejoice less and you will suffer fewer / No te hagas demasiado amigo de nadie; así te alegrarás menos y sufrirás menos].


I have been already two months at home,
the terrifying tic tac from a watch in the living room reminds me that I am still alive
I go from the bedroom to the office
take white magic papers and rape them with my pen
I deny all of their possibilities making them be only one of my stories
we all end being reduced to a story with more or less luck
our life pass while we are trying to earn some more story,
grab a job, travel to China, do bungee jumping from a bridge...
for the time I am still in the warm shadow of my home spitting on my papers
sometimes I look through the balcony to the people running out there
I don’t need a lot of time
I come back inside, and execute my revenge against those from out
while the terrifying watch reminds me
the time that I have left.

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